Sustainable Social Care

Under the Weather
December 2, 2021

Clients: Social Care Institute for Excellence and Department of Health

Catherine initiated this major national policy and development programme and secured funding over three years from the Department of Health and Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). She raised awareness of sustainable development and built capacity across the sector through research, conferences, practitioner learning events, community engagement and publications.  She also contributed to national policy development and guidance regarding sustainability.

This work included a collaboration with Bristol City Council exploring how personalisation could stimulate the market for environmentally sustainable social care, and the development of an ethical framework for sustainable health and care.

For further information about the programme, visit SCIE’s sustainability web pages where you can also download a range of publications and resources.

LGIU guest blog: Leaner and greener health and social care.

"Catherine worked with SCIE to deliver an innovative and unique programme of work that has placed sustainability as a key consideration in the provision of social care. Her skill has been to work successfully with all of the stakeholders in health and social care, including people who use services, to ensure that our research and guidance is genially co-produced."